Nurturing Bonds, Together.

Through the Community Passageway, we walk together, forging connections that shape our shared journey.Our shared paths build a stronger community bond.

Connect. Thrive. Belong.

In our community passageway, connections weave a vibrant tapestry, linking diverse lives and experiences.Through shared initiatives and supportive networks, we cultivate an environment where individuals and the community flourish.

Harmony in Unity.

Planning and executing community events to enhance social connections and celebrate collective achievements.Planning and executing community events to enhance social connections and celebrate collective achievements.

Our Mission


Our mission is to forge alternatives to youth incarceration, breathing life into communities through steadfast relationships grounded in love, empathy, and unwavering commitment.

We stand alongside our youth and young adults at every juncture of the legal process, steering away from the school-to-prison pipeline and fostering a school-to-life success path. In lieu of punitive measures, we advocate for restorative and culturally responsive programs, replacing law enforcement figures with mentors, counselors, and circle keepers. Our focus is on cultivating purpose and opportunities, not frustration and denial. Our vision is a community where homes, schools, jobs, and unwavering community support replace the confines of jails, championing the potential of our youth.





Navigating unity through the community passageway.!

Our work is driven by the belief that guidance and support

Guided by the conviction that mentorship and assistance wield greater influence in motivating individuals toward positive decisions, we envision a future where people recognize their boundless potential and live fully engaged lives.

Impactful Achievements:
Community Passageway has collaborated with over 100 young individuals confronting felony charges in both juvenile and adult criminal courts. Acknowledging our success in steering them toward positive change, the legal system has lauded our efforts. Remarkably, out of the nearly 200 collective years of sentencing our clients were initially facing, we diverted 146 years from incarceration—a substantial 76% reduction in overall sentencing lengths.

2017-2018 Highlights:
Here’s a glimpse into our effectiveness during the years 2017 and 2018.





Our programs focus on personal healing, identity development, and leadership building. We have a four-pronged approach to community justice:


Keep youth on a good path. Show them new paths.


Support people already in the prison system.


Keep people out of the prison system and in community.


 Ensure a smooth, successful integration into the community.

Our programs focus on personal healing, identity development, and leadership building. We have a four-pronged approach to community justice:


Why Choose Us



Are you a young person in the Seattle-area who wants to participate in our programs? Or do you know someone who would benefit from our programs?



Change a young person’s life by donating to Community Passageways. Every dollar you donated helps to prevent youth from going to the prison system while realizing their full potential.



olunteering with Community Passageways is a way to invest your skills, heart, and mind into our young people. Please reach out for more information on our volunteer needs.


Adapted from Family Integrated Transitions, CP-FIT is a therapeutic, evidence informed home and community-based case management for youth and young adults, most of whom are 12 to 24, who are at-risk, have been involved, or are currently involved with the legal system. The program strives to promote behavior change by building on the strengths of each young person’s support network. CP-FIT Ambassadors work with families and young people to build skills and resources to promote emotional regulation, mindfulness, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness while reducing substance use and aggression.

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