Event Series Thriving Thursday

Thriving Thursday


A weekly virtual event hosted by Guided Pathways in collaboration with Peer Kent, join us for Thriving Thursday to add a dose of joy to your week and leave you ready for the rest of your day! Please register here- https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrdOuvrzkvGt16yjm1stofuY-L28vA-XA5#/registration


The Explosive Child Book Club


Join Parent Peer, Melody, for a pre-book club meeting for our new series on the book "The Explosive Child," by Dr. Ross Greene.


Holiday Wellness Workshop Join us via Zoom for wellness tips and life hacks to make your holiday season merry, bright, and healthy. For more information or to register, email us at info@guidedpathways.org or call 253-236-8264.